The Owner desired a large observation deck along backside of existing General Store Building to provide customers a serene lake environment for dining and lounging. We drilled 30” diameter piers from 17’ to 27’ deep on a 3:1 sloping bank reaching 15’ out over existing lake. Drilling wasn’t easy, we encountered wet soft caving silts…
The Homeowners of this custom backyard wanted a nice large pool with a beautiful view of the lake in Alpine, CA. The pool caissons ranged in size from 24″, 30″, 36″ and 42″ diameter with various depths. We encountered difficult caisson drilling conditions with large boulders, hard rock lenses and groundwater. The shafts were extremely…
The Owners of this custom project wanted a nice large pool with a beautiful view of the La Jolla coast. The caissons were various sizes from 24″ to 48″ diameter with various depths through difficult drilling conditions. We encountered large boulders and hard lenses in the soil. The caissons were formed above grade with column…
The Geotechnical Engineers did not approve of the existing site soils for new construction. Therefore, drilled shafts were placed in various locations and backfilled with concrete to provide a firm foundation. The smaller size drill rig used on the project was economical and efficient. Another successful custom drilling project….while helping a fellow Contractor complete their…
This residential project located in La Jolla required small access equipment and we had the perfect size drill rig to get the job done. There were 12 caissons 24″ diameter by various depths for a retaining wall and future deck support. Custom drilling needed to be performed in 2 phases due to the limited access….